CS373 Spring 2021: Diyuan Dai(Week 7)

Diyuan Dai
2 min readMar 8, 2021
  1. What did you do this past week?

I was responsible for making one model and 3 instances in our project milestone 1. Also, I finished the second programming assignment which is multiagent for AI class. It has been a while since I last time contact with my research group, so we also met and talked about how to modify our plan for the rest of the semester.

2. What’s in your way?

I am totally new to those javascript, react, and .css things. I feel it very difficult to accomplish my task on time. Also, the general pace for our team is a little bit late, so we did the work in a hurry. However, fortunately, we all finished our job and submit our project.

3. What will you do next week?

Next time, we will start our work earlier, we are going to meet on Tuesday and Wednesday to assign our tasks. Also, I did not attend my AI class for the last whole week, and the homework is due tomorrow, I have to hurry up.

4. If you read it, what did you think of the Open-Closed Principle?

In 314, the professor is always giving out rules like not to use lots of global variables and do encapsulation. At that time and I don’t understand the philosophy behind it, now I have some ideas why we should follow those rules. This kind of useful principle will be helpful and increase our efficiency when we have to deal with big structural coding.

5. What was your experience of iterators and reduce2? (this question will vary, week to week)

I am still not very clear about those tricks, and I did not finish the exercise on time. However, I do remember that the reason why we are using iterators is because of the existence of multiple client situations.

6. What made you happy this week?

I am so happy that our team finishes the first milestone on time. I learn to build a website from zero and have made something functioning correctly, which gives me a lot of confidence for the next assignment and future career. This class is actually simulating the working circumstance since we will be facing some unfamiliar systems of development and need to collaborate with each other. I am self-learning a lot to avoid being a drag on my team.

7. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

Because I am also doing my internship while taking the class online, I have a tip for the situation when we don’t get enough sleep last night and still have to wake up and get the job done, which is to have breakfast. A good breakfast will be helpful to recharge our bodies and pull us out of the trance. )

